Get ready to align with everything God has placed on your heart to, become. By understanding and “Knowing Your Worth!”




being a good steward

Investing in myself has truly revolutionized my life. When you’ve sowed the majority of your adulthood in others, dreams, visions, lives, churches, and organizations, you have to come to an understanding, you are worth the investment too!


the fight. the uncertainty. the surrender.

Have you ever fought something and said I won’t give up until “I WIN” at all costs? Yes? Then me too! That’s a phenomenal drive, but what if the fight is against your God-given assignment? What if the thing you are fighting is what you are to surrender to? Is submitting to the will of God easy? Not one bit! Following God’s will can be excruciating!


Life Expectations Pt. II

You see at this time, my worth, who I was, and my value was merged with outward things I could do. Not getting the perfect career, the perfect job, or accomplishing certain goals by a certain age, made me feel like a failure. Especially with people and the world telling you, that by the age of 25-30, you need to be married, be in your career, and have kids a house, and a dog. With this almost crossing my mind daily, I put my journey into this rigid box. This box didn’t consider my calling, my assignment, or the timing of God that was specifically carved out for my personal journey.


Life Expectations Pt. I

Have you ever planned your life according to how you wanted it to go? Or thought by 20, 30, 40, 50 yrs old, I will have this, I will have that? Yes? Well me too! Life has its way of crashing the party, interrupting our own plans, our to-do lists, and our goals. Now… are goals, and to-do lists, wrong? No! All of those are great, but when our plans haven’t considered what God has for our life? Then yes, it can be really wrong and actually hinder areas in your life! I’ll explain why later.


Having Boundaries Saved My Life Pt. II 

Having boundaries separated me from being used, having boundaries was the first thing that opened my eyes to “Ishca do you Know Your Worth?” Why am I sharing this story you may ask? Because there are countless amount of people being misused, abused, and gaslighted by unhealthy leadership, into working their vision and their personal agendas. It’s our kingdom’s duty to serve, but if it comes at the cost of you losing yourself, comes at the cost of not being a good steward over your own life? I’m here to tell you that’s not ok! 


Having Boundaries Saved My Life Pt. I

You see when your heart is in a place to truly help others and work as unto the Lord, you almost spend every moment being occupied working working working. With your head down serving, working, and serving, without truly resting, you can be groomed into, this is the norm. Unknowingly opening yourself to crafty manipulation, to be worked like a mule. 
