That image was from a FB post I made about how having boundaries, saved my life!
“Having healthy boundaries is a key ingredient in preserving the life God has given you.”
Sept. 2018
I remember being exhausted after working, for weeks and weeks in preparation for a conference. The role I played was the person before anyone showed up on the day of the event, I was already 2-3 months behind the scenes connecting the dots in preparation. At this time, I was truly operating in the gifts of help, meaning any and everything that had to get completed, I was doing it.
You see when your heart is in a place to truly help others and work as unto the Lord, you almost spend every moment being occupied working working working. With your head down serving, working, and serving, without truly resting, you can be groomed into, this is the norm. Unknowingly opening yourself to crafty manipulation, to be worked like a mule.
Let me pause right here…
Not having healthy boundaries can be DEADLY. With no boundaries and a heart to serve, you are easy pickings, to be used up. Rather it’s in your workplace, in relationships, or serving on a team, you are a prime candidate to be expected to carry the weight and responsibilities endlessly if you don’t have boundaries.
Back to the story, I was depleted, exhausted and my emotional well-being was not present. I became numb. Physically, emotionally and mentally depleted. As I continued throughout the night, I wasn’t there mentally, I was burnt out.
Dec. 2018 Boundaries was Birthed
During this month, boundaries were birthed. This two-letter word was like a freedom fighter riding on a white horse through a land of soldiers exhausted after fighting a war saying “We won, we won the war!” That two-letter word was, “No.” God gave me the authority and the grit to say “NO.” At this point, I released the ability to carry weight, God didn’t intend for me to carry. Why did it get to this point you ask? It got to this point, because, when you’ve been groomed for years to carry weight, it becomes your norm. When all you see, hear, and do, say’s work, work, work, you become blind to who you are. That’s very unhealthy and simply ungodly to abort who you are for the sake of just working working working. Even God rested…
Next week’s blog. Boundaries Pt. 2 (It Get Ugly Sometimes) 4/4/22